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Shardai Magdalena Rose Moon, RN

Founder & CEO of Sophia Rising Mystery School™ 
Co-founder Human Nature Institute™
Initiated Rose & Scent Priestess
13 Moon Mystery School™ Certified Temple Guide & Ordination Student
Sanctioned PMT™ Shamanic Teacher
Healer & Ceremonialist
Community Builder & Visionary
Best-Selling Sacred Feminine Author
Registered Psychiatric Nurse


Shardai supports highly sensitive visionaries, to blossom in their exquisite magic, so they can live their legacy of love, in service to the evolutionary growth of Self & planet. 

Shardai believes in bringing highly attuned women back to the center of our global village- so they can create positive impact through empathic leadership that is sourced from their awakened creative magic, their sacred soul’s voice, and their belonging as a daughter of the Earth & stars.


By clearing the wounded patriarchy from their lives, and re-rooting into the power of the sacred feminine, the women Shardai works with move from sidelined to sovereign. They reclaim their thrones and become the creatrixes of their own sacred lives. 

While on this journey they are immersed in an ancient and enchanting atmosphere, with an oracular & prophetic voice, and a community of evolutionary leaders. Who, through community, shamanic apprenticeship and priestess initiation programs, come back to the center from the fringes- in connection with self, earth, community, and divinity- to recreate the world in love.


Shardai believes that the very wisdom & healing we seek is seeking to be re-Membered from within us.


It is her honor to help re-member YOU.

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